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Data science, analytics & math

Psychology master’s program in data science offers diversity and inclusion scholarships

High-achieving underrepresented and financially disadvantaged students can apply for scholarships for the University of Wisconsin–Madison Data Science in Human Behavior MS program.

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Master’s program in human behavior helps students use data science to solve pressing problems

UW–Madison’s MS in Psychology: Data Science in Human Behavior (DSHB) program provides direct, hands-on training in data science tailored to suit people with a social science background.

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5 things to look for in an online degree program

The enrollment coaches at UW–Madison Online have put together five things you should evaluate when looking for an online program to earn your bachelor’s degree.

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New accelerated Master of Science in Design + Innovation engages five disciplines, sparks creativity, excites employers

The new University of Wisconsin–Madison accelerated Master of Science in Design + Innovation gives new meaning to collaboration. Combining expertise from five schools and colleges…

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M.S. in Agricultural & Applied Economics offers new professional certification

UW–Madison students in the M.S. Agricultural & Applied Economics Professional program can now complete the NABE’s Certified Business Economist Certification simultaneously.

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Capstone Certificate in Actuarial Science helps math lover launch rewarding career

“I came into the program struggling to stand out in my actuarial job search. I left with a solid job lined up and a ton of preparation for future actuarial exams,” says recent graduate Cole Sebald.

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