
Certified Professional Coach Program

Woman meeting with her coach

Help others see new perspectives and increase satisfaction in their professional and personal relationships as a Certified Professional Coach from UW–Madison.

Is this program right for you?

The coaching industry continues to grow; the International Coaching Federation (ICF) estimates the field generates about $2 billion in revenue per year. The Certified Professional Coach Program from UW–Madison is a high-quality credential that will put you on a path to a rewarding career.

Students in the program are a combination of practicing coaches who want to take their skills to a higher level, professionals preparing for a second career, and corporate, nonprofit leaders, and human resources professionals who want to take bring a coaching culture to their workplace.

The program is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Level 2 program. As a graduate of this all-inclusive training program, you may apply for credentials such as the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials.

With the Certified Professional Coach Program, you can accelerate your career while making a difference in people’s lives.

The Certified Professional Coach Program is one of the Midwest’s only academic ICF-accredited programs. This 100% virtual program is ideal for busy working professionals.

Is this program right for you?

The coaching industry continues to grow; the International Coaching Federation (ICF) estimates the field generates about $2 billion in revenue per year. The Certified Professional Coach Program from UW–Madison is a high-quality credential that will put you on a path to a rewarding career.

Students in the program are a combination of practicing coaches who want to take their skills to a higher level, professionals preparing for a second career, and corporate, nonprofit leaders, and human resources professionals who want to take bring a coaching culture to their workplace.

The program is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Level 2 program. As a graduate of this all-inclusive training program, you may apply for credentials such as the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials.

With the Certified Professional Coach Program, you can accelerate your career while making a difference in people’s lives.

The Certified Professional Coach Program is one of the Midwest’s only academic ICF-accredited programs. This 100% virtual program is ideal for busy working professionals.

Registration information

All applicants are encouraged to have a Bachelor’s degree (minimum) from an accredited college or university (no specific undergraduate major is required) and be willing to engage in reflection and self-examination as well as be open to feedback.

What you will learn

Upon successful completion of this certificate program, learners will be able to:

  • Name, define, and demonstrate proficiency in the eight core competencies and related behaviors of a professional coach, as laid out by the International Coaching Federation.
  • Coach anyone — in any niche, on any topic, at any time, in any space (i.e., inside, or outside of organizations, etc.) in a holistic, ICF-aligned, and professional manner.
  • Cultivate a coaching mindset that is forever open, flexible, grounded, and curious.
  • Structure and guide a successful coaching session and relationship from start to finish.
  • Engage in vulnerable and courageous conversations with a coachee in a safe, culturally sensitive, and humble manner.
  • Partner as an equal with coachee to evoke a new awareness and facilitate change in any aspect of their life.

How you'll learn

Participate in an all-virtual learning experience through Zoom. Students meet every other week from September to May for 3.5 hours. See more coaching-specific information.

Sample curriculum

  • Pillar 1 – Foundations of Coaching: Lays the groundwork for understanding the substantive aspects of the program and prepares students with simple conceptual and practical tools to begin coaching conversations.
  • Pillar 2 – Co-Creating the Coaching Relationship: Learn how to establish equitable, safe and courageous coaching partnerships; what it means to “co-create” a relationship; how to hold space to be with the client and coach the whole person, not just the situation.
  • Pillar 3 – Communicating Effectively: Explore how to communicate for meaning and understanding; how to facilitate client awakening, insight, learning and awareness.
  • Pillar 4- Cultivating Learning & Growth: Understand how to take clients from insight to action and co-create tools and learning for long-term client growth.
  • Pillar 5 – Integration: Integrate learning from the entire program. Show your skills by conducting successful, full-length coaching conversations with colleagues. Complete the year with a final reflection on the coaching journey and a celebration of next steps.

Ready to learn more about Certified Professional Coach Program?
View the program page

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